Top 10 work from home essentials

Telecommuting and remote working were a growing trend before they became a necessity. As more people work from home today, we want to give you a well thought out guide to set up your home office. Let’s take a look at the top 10 work from home essentials.

  1. A dedicated workspace – Just like in office, a dedicated workspace station is extremely critical in WFH environment too, it keeps you organized, focused and increases productivity. Study also shows that it’s better for your mental health to keep the spaces you sleep, relax, and work in separate.
  2. Computer: When it comes to your home computer, a laptop gives you much greater flexibility than a stationary desktop. Laptops allow you to change your working position at home in wake of it’s mobile feature.
  3. A reliable, fast internet connection – You’re probably thinking ‘well, isn’t that obvious one?’. We’ve no doubt you’ve probably already got your internet provider set up from home. The difference, however, is ‘high-speed’. If you work from home, chances are you’re going to need to video conference your colleagues and clients, send large files back and forth. All of these tasks need fast internet.
  4. Noise canceling headphones – Eliminating distractions is going to be a priority when working from home. It’s very easy to turn the TV on, or do household chores, all the while procrastinating instead of doing actual work. Noise-canceling headphones help you get into the work zone.
  5. Office supplies – Once you’re working from home, gone are the days you can simply go to the office stationery or store cupboard and choose from stacks of stationery. It’s a good idea to get yourself an organizer, or storage boxes, to keep everything organized.
  6. Office chair – Your desk chair, when it comes to your health, is arguably even more important than your desk. Many chairs do not offer the necessary support to keep you comfortable and in the correct position for hours at a time, therefore a comfortable office chair is a must.
  7. Laptop stand – If you purchase a laptop for working at home, you will also want to consider purchasing a laptop stand. We’ve all seen pictures of people working hunched over their laptops. Using a laptop without a stand for a long time creates a posture problem that leaves you with neck and shoulder pain, therefore a laptop stand is a must.
  8. Desk lamp – Lighting your home workspace properly is important for your health. Yet it is a part of the work from home setup that is often overlooked. Many people simply use the room lighting they have. Improperly lit workstations can lead to eye strain and headaches. This is why task lighting is so beneficial.
  9. Mouse – Whether you’re using a laptop and a laptop stand or a desktop setup, you’re going to need to invest in a good mouse and keyboard to tell your computer what to do. A mouse is a handy accessory if you use a laptop, it makes you productive than if you were using just a trackpad.
  10. HD Webcam – Video conferencing is a lifeline to WFH setup. Using apps like Zoom or Teams has become even more crucial in this time of crisis. The built-in camera in your laptop just isn’t up to the mark most of the times. Upgrading to a standalone webcam will instantly give you better positioning options, and most likely a boost in audio and video quality, plus additional features.

Toshi Tiwari Toshi Tiwari

August 13, 2020