65% cops see an increase in home robberies post lockdown, reveals Godrej report

Cops are witnessing a rise in petty thefts, vehicle thefts, and commercial break-ins. Unemployment triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic seen as one of the reasons behind this increase.

Parul Parul     December 16, 2020

As per reports, 65 per cent cops foresee home robberies and thefts increasing post complete lifting of lockdown, highlights Godrej Locks ‘Har Ghar Surakshit Report 2020: Safety Insights from India’s Polic e Force’. Unemployment triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic seen as one of the reasons behind this increase. Cops are already witnessing a rise in petty thefts, vehicle thefts, and commercial break-ins.

This research was conducted by InQognito Insights and released as part of Har Ghar Surakshit, a nationwide public awareness initiative by Godrej Locks to make people home safety conscious. 

The report by Godrej Locks, states that 71 per cent cops agree people start taking home safety seriously only after they experience a break-in. While, 64 per cent cops stressed that people do not adopt safety practices, making them prone to home break-ins.  Additionally, 68 per cent cops observed that people rely on neighbours/ househelp/ watchmen for their safety. This underlines how citizens are dependent on others for their safety instead of taking proactive measures to have control of their own safety.

In this digital age where technology has become part of one’s everyday life, 85 per cent cops felt an urgent need to raise public awareness around home safety technology solutions. Interestingly, 65 per cent cops felt that the public perception of police improved during the lockdown.

Commenting on the research report, Shyam Motwani, Executive Vice-President and Business Head, Godrej Locks, said, “The Har Ghar Surakshit 2020 report gives an eye-opening revelation concerning home safety, coming right from our trusted safety custodians – the police. Safety this year is more crucial due to the pandemic as well as 65 per cent projected increase in home robberies and break-ins post the lockdown. As we observe Home Safety Day and the second anniversary of Har Ghar Surakshit this year, we call for collective efforts by authorities and citizens to adopt measures for safeguarding homes.

With 85 per cent cops recommending raising public awareness around home safety solutions, Godrej Locks will focus its efforts to increase this safety quotient of people through Har Ghar Surakshit initiative.”

Har Ghar Surakshit Report 2020 by Godrej Locks surveyed police officers from across India. It captured their views around home safety observed by citizens and the COVID-19 impact on crime levels. The report has further highlighted the vulnerability of Indian homes, showing that independent homes and private apartments are more prone to robberies. Break-in incidences were higher during the night, and midnight hours.

Speaking of home safety solutions, 64 per cent cops found locks to be the most important. However, most people do not change or upgrade their locking systems of their homes.