Electronic manufacturers to get 25 % financial incentive under new scheme

Cabinet approves Scheme for Promotion of manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors

Parul Parul     March 23, 2020

In order to strengthen the electronic manufacturing ecosystem in the country, the government has approved a new scheme. This new scheme will promote manufacturing of domestic electronic components and semiconductors in India.

The government has approved to offer financial incentive of 25 per cent of capital expenditure for the manufacturing of goods that constitute the supply chain of an electronic product under the Scheme for Promotion of manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors (SPECS).         

The scheme will help offset the disability for domestic manufacturing of electronic components and semiconductors.  

The total cost of the scheme is approximately Rs.3,285 crore, which includes the incentive outlay of approximately Rs.3,252 crore and the administrative expense to the tune of Rs.32 crore. As per the government official, the proposal when implemented will lead to the development of electronic components manufacturing ecosystem in the country.

Following are the expected outputs/outcomes in terms of measurable indicators for the scheme:
  • Development of electronic components manufacturing ecosystem in the country and deepening of Electronics value chain.
  • New investments in Electronics Sector to the tune of at least Rs. 20,000 crore.
  • Direct employment of approximately 1,50,000 is expected to be created in the manufacturing units supported under the scheme, including indirect employment of about three times of direct employment as per industry estimates. Thus, total employment potential of the scheme is approximately 6,00,000.
  • Reducing dependence on import of components by large scale domestic manufacturing that will also enhance the digital security of the nation.

The vision of National Policy on Electronics 2019 (NPE 2019) notified on 25.02.2019 is to position India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including, chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the industry to compete globally.

A vibrant electronic components manufacturing ecosystem is vital for the overall long-term and sustainable growth of electronics manufacturing in India and essential to achieve net positive Balance of Payments (BoP).