Covid 19 impact: Garment industry unravels

Manufacturers in countries like India, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Indonesia have been getting less work, with employees losing on average two to four weeks of work.

Parul Parul     November 2, 2020

Covid 19 pandemic has impacted across sectors. As per the International Labour Organisation (ILO), more than 65 million garment industry workers in Asia have lost their jobs or had their wages cut in wake of the pandemic.

With lockdowns disrupting supply chains and sinking consumer demand in the West, manufacturers in countries like India, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Indonesia have been getting less work, with employees losing on average two to four weeks of work.

While, three in five employees have been asked to return to factories after the shutdown. The International Labour Organisation says that the worker safety nets needs to be strengthened, and on a positive side considers this crisis as a chance to improve working conditions and sustainability for the industry.