Rise of virtual dating apps amid Covid-19 pandemic

When the first of the dating app, Tinder, came to India in 2013, whether people would take to it at all was the question. In a country where matrimonial websites took centerstage, a primarily-dating oriented app seemed like a bit of a business risk. However, in March, as parts of the world went into lockdown, the users started to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world into other parts of the world. Matchmaking apps have seen an increase in the number of users since the lockdown. As per experts, during the time of self-distancing, people are feeling a strong mix of anxiety, loneliness, and uncertainty and hence people are looking for human connection now more than ever. Detailed video analysis on the rise of online dating culture. With conventional dating ideas no longer feasible, know the new ways in which daters are spending time with each other.

Toshi Tiwari Toshi Tiwari

September 25, 2020