In Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, around 50 per cent of the ginning units have shut down operations due to poor availability of raw materials, according to a report in the TOI.
Currently, there are close to 200 ginning units in Madhya Pradesh of which close to 100 operate from Nimar region.
Kailash Agrawal, Madhya Pradesh Association of Cotton Processors and Traders president said,” Almost 50 per cent ginning units are out of work completely this season because raw cotton is not available to them. While those operating are getting just 30-40 per cent raw cotton against their full capacity.”
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The daily incoming of cotton in the spot market at Khargone has reduced to 5,000 quintal to 6,000 quintal as against 20,000 quintal in the corresponding period last season.
As per reports, Farmers in the anticipation of a jump in cotton prices have held back supplies.
The Industry players pointed out that the decline in operations and processing capacity of the ginning and spinning units has hit supplies of yarn to garment industry.
Khandwa, Khargone and Barwani are leading cotton cultivating regions of the state.